Saturday, March 13, 2021



Centrifugal section equipment Capacity Calculation in Sugar Industry Process

In this article explained about centrifugal section and Sugar house equipment capacity calculation for process house of sugar industry viz., Pug mills, Batch and continuous centrifugal machines, Magma mixers, sugar melter, pumps for magma & molasses, Superheated wash water system, Sugar hoppers, Sugar dryer, sugar elevator & grader.


Objectives of centrifugal section

Once the mother liquor is exhausted to practical limit only thing is remain to separate crystals in order to obtained the commercial form. This operation is carried out in a centrifugal machine by the principle of centrifugal force.

The basic function of centrifugal station is separation of sugar crystal from mother liquor (molasses). In this process required special attention for the following points to arrive centrifugal section equipment capacity.

a) Effective separation of crystals from mother liquor by avoiding of crystal damage for bagging sugar.

b) Minimum use of washing water.

c) Minimum use of power consumption.

d) Control systems used at Centrifugal.

The centrifugal section with sugar house consists of the following major equipment

a) Pug mills

b) Batch centrifugal

c) Continuous Centrifugal

d) Magma mixers

e) Molasses receiving tank (runoff tanks)

f) Pumps for magma & molasses

g) Superheated wash water system

h) Transient Heater

i) Sugar receiving hoppers

j) Sugar dryer, sugar elevator and sugar grader

k) Sugar bin


Pug Mill

Pugmill having ‘U’ shape and fixed in the above centrifugal machines staging with drive. Generally, all pugmills are equipped with agitator to keep the massecuite at constant motion in pugmill. ( Generally,  agitator not required for ‘C’ fore worker centrifugal machine and this pug mill is equipped with water jacket to circulation hot water for treatment of massecuite.)

The level of massecuite in pug mill is always maintained more than 70% to provide positive massecuite head when charging to centrifugal machine.

The capacity of pug mill will be depended on number of centrifugal machines and its capacity. The retention time in pug mill is around 12 to 15 minutes.

For example 3 numbers of 1750 kg/charge machines with 20 cycles/hour. Then

Massecuite quantity = 1.750 MT/cycle x 20 cycles/hour x 3 nos. = 105 MT/hr.

= 105 / 1.4 = 75 M3/hr = 1.25 M3/min.

Take 12 minutes of retention time then 1.25 x 12 = 15 m3 holding volume required.

Batch centrifugal 

Batch centrifugal machines consist of cylindrical basket design to receive the massecuite to be treated, and carried on vertical shaft , driven from its upper part by a motor. The basket is perforate with numerous holes to allow the molasses to escape.

The basket is open at the top to allow massecuite to be feed in to it, and bottom opening allows sugar to discharge when the machine is stopped.

Batch centrifugal machines capacity requirement

Crushing Capacity                               –           5000 TCD ( 230 TCH on 22hr basis)

A massecuite % cane                          –           28 %

A m/c quantity                                    –           230 x 28% = 64.4 T/hr

Consider 150% extra                           –           64.4 x 150% = 96.6 T/hr

(To compensate breakdowns in sugar house)

Capacity of each machine                  –           1750 Kg/charge

Number of average cycles                  –           18 cycles/hr

Each Machine capacity                       –           1750 x 18 = 31.5 T/hr

No. of machines required                   –           82 / 31.5 = 3.06

Hence 3 nos. of Centrifugal machines are required for A-Massecuite + 1 stand by = 4 nos.

(Practically 3 machines can handle that capacity)

For more information on Batch Centrifugal Machine Capacity and Gravity Factor with online calculator

Click here

Superheated wash water system

 For better washing and get good quality sugar, superheated water is used for batch centrifugal machines.

The superheated wash water system heat the hot condensate water to 112 ± 3 oC by steam, and 5 to 7 kg/cm2 pressure with high head centrifugal pump.

Quantity of water required    –           5 % on massecuite or 10% on sugar produced


Continuous Centrifugal

Generally, Continuous centrifugal machines are used for B and C massecuite curing. Continuous operation is obviously ideal from the mechanical point of view, the machine runs at a constant speed without stopping, is fed by a continuous stream of material, furnishes a constant output of sugar, and requires less no. of operators.


Crushing Capacity                  –           4000 TCD ( 182 TCH on 22hr basis)

B m/c % cane                          –           13 %

B m/c quantity                        –           182 x 13 % = 23.7 T/hr

Consider 150% extra               –           23.7 x 150% = 36 T/hr

Capacity of Machine               –           16 to 18 T/ hr (Ø1500)

No. of machines required       –           36 / 18 = 2 Nos.

C m/c % cane                          –           8 %

C m/c quantity                        –           182 x 8 % = 14.6 T/hr

Consider 150% extra               –           14.6 x 150% = 22 T/hr

Capacity of Machine (CFW)    –           8 to 10 T/ hr

No. of machines required       –           22 / 8 =  2.75 Nos.  3 nos.

CAW % cane                            –           3 %

C m/c quantity                        –           182 x 3 % =  5.5 T/hr

Consider 150% extra               –           5.5 x 150% = 8 T/hr

No. of machines required       –           1  No.

Transient Heater

The transient heater is used for heating of low grade massecuite up to saturation temperature (50-52 0C) to reduce the viscosity and easy purging of massecuite.

In transient heater low grade massecuite is heated uniformly with vapour / steam or condensate water.

Low Grade Massecuite Treatment in Sugar Crystallization Process

Cooling and reheating Process of low grade (B & C) massecuites

The mother liquor in low grade massecuite can not be completely exhausted in vacuum pan this is due to decrease in crystallization rate and high viscosity. Final stage in sugar recovery is allowed to take place by cooling in crystalliser rather then during evaporation in vacuum pans. Because evaporation in vacuum pans is more cost effective procedure , therefore  is to boil low grade massecuite in vacuum pan for limited time, then discharge it to atmospheric crystallizes followed by water cooled crystallizers.

The exhaustion of final molasses is directly related to the economy of the sugar factory and hence more attention is given being paid towards the processing of crystallisation in low grade massecuite.


The exhaustion of molasses will depend on four successive parameters.

a) Boiling a massecuite to maximum concentration in pan.

b) Cooling of the massecuite in the crystalliser to crystallise the sucrose remaining in solution.

c) Re-heating of cooled massecuite to it’s saturation temperature to reduce the viscosity of massecuite.

d) Separation of the crystals from exhausted molasses in the centrifugal machine.

To judging pan boiling operation efficiency, the use of % exhaustion and Crystal % massecuite are found more effective and informative.



Massecuite leaving a vacuum pan is supersaturated and hot, in the range 63 to 67 oC.  Crystal content is high, but it is still possible to achieve additional exhaustion by cooling the massecuite prior to centrifuging. As the massecuite is cooled the crystalliztion rate rate reduces, but sufficient retention  time in the cooling crystallizers will achieve the additional crystallization desired.

The ideal condition for a low-grade massecuite ” C m/c ” to crystallize more sugar from the mother liquor follow the path as illustrated in the graph below.

Maturity Zone: This Zone is provided without cooling arrangement and the volume of zone is designed in such a way that the retention of massecuite corresponds to 2 to 3 hrs.

Cooling Zone: The Cooling zone has water cooled surface area to reduce the massecuite temperature from about 65ºC to 43 ºC within 18 to 20 hrs of time.  While designing the cooling zone the ratio of S / V should be about 1.8 to 2.0 for C m/c and 1.2 for C m/c.

Ripening Zone: The Rippening zone comes after the cooling zone. This zone has no cooling water surface, but may be provided with hot water coils to take care of massecuite temp. In winter season, the retention time in this zone is about 2 to 3 hrs.

Reheating Zone : Before centrifuge the massecuite, it should be reheated upto 50 to 52ºC to reduce the viscosity and easy purging of massecuite.

Exhaustion for “C” masseuite corresponding to drop of 4 to 6 units in the purity of molasses is achieved in the crystalliser.  The overall exhaustion of mother liquor in C massecuite in pan and crystalliser is shall be 24-27 units.

Exhaustion for “B” masseuite corresponding to drop of 3 to 4 units in the purity of molasses is achieved in the crystalliser.  The overall exhaustion of mother liquor in B massecuite in pan and crystalliser is shall be 20-22 units.

The massecuite is dropped in a crystalliser having heating and cooling element the following treatment should be given to get the maximum exhaustion for Low Grade Massecuite .

·         Leave the massecuite in crystalliser for 2 to 4 hours allowing air cooling.

·         Circulate the cold water in the element so as to cool the massecuite at a rate not exceeding 1 to 2oC per hour. Quantity of cold water has to be adjusted accordingly.  Temperature of cold water should be 30 to 35o   .

·         Cool the massecuite up to 42-43oC  for C m/c and 50 to 55 oC for B m/c or till the purity of mother liquor becomes more or less constant. ( Here using Nutch apparatus to check the purity of mother liquor)

·         Allow the ripening time at lowest temperature for 2 to 3 hours.

·         Rate of stirring of massecuite has to be slow and not more than 0.5 rpm. ( 0.3 to 0.5 rpm for  C m/c  to 0.5 to 0.7 RPM for B m/c).

·         Reheat the massecuite up to the saturation temperature ( 51 to 52oC ) preferably using transient heaters by using hot as a heating media.

Crystallizers generally divided in to two types as follows.

Air cooled crystallizers : It is a simple steel vessel, of “U” shaped cross-section, fitted with an agitator permitting it to maintain the mass in slow and continuous motion. open and horizontal containers type where atmospheric air is employed for cooling the massecuite.

Water cooled crystallizers : The various type of crystallisers either open or closed type where water is employed for cooling the massecuite. It can be dived furthers as Horizontal and vertical crystallizers.

The series  Horizontal crystallizers with water-cooled element and vertical type crystallizers were using for this application of low grade massecuite treatment.

Magma Mixer

When massecuite is to be double cured or even single cured ( in case of low grade massecuite), the centrifuged sugar is to be mixed with syrup or clarified juice or hot water to form a magma. The magma preparation is generally done in magma mixers. These mixers are double paddle type with drive under centrifugal machines help in well mixing of sugar with diluting liquid. The arm shall be strong enough to brake the lumps of sugar and mix well with liquid.

The capacity of magma mixer will be depended on number of centrifugal machines and its capacity. The retention time in magma mixer is around 10 to 12 minutes.

For example take three numbers of 1500 mm dia “ B” continuous machines having capacity of 16 T/hr to 18 T/hr.

Machine capacity                   –           16 T/hr each

Number of machines              –           3

B sugar quantity per machine            –           7.2 T/hr @ 100 brix ( 45% sugar considered)

B magma quantity per machine-       9 T/hr @ 80 brix

Total B magma quantity         –           27 T/hr @ 80 brix  (If used water for magma preparation)

Take 12 minutes of retention time then 5.5 T = 5.5 / 1.4 = 4 M3 holding volume required upto 80% level.

The length of the mixer shall be suitable for all centrifugal machines.

Sugar Melter

Sugar Melter Application in Sugar Factory | Sugar Melter design Calculation

In this article discussed about the role of sugar melter in sugar industry process house and its capacity and design calculation. Also provided online calculator for its capacity calculation.

Sugar Melter Capacity Calculation | Sugar Melting  Feed Liquor Calculation

The sugar melter simply can be defined as it a equipment in which dissolving of sugar takes place. Generally the sugar plants can be classified as Raw sugar plantRefined sugar plant and white( Suphited ) sugar plants. All these type of sugar plants sugar melter is one of the essential equipment in process house.

According to sugar melter application it is called mainly two types.

·         B and C sugar mellter or low grade sugar melter

·         Raw Sugar melter

B & C sugar mellter:

According to boiling scheme adopted in sugar process, some or total low grade sugars i.e B sugar and C double cured sugar may be remelted. Its melt diverted to high grade massecuites.

B Massecuites cured in continuous centrifugals or high gravity batch machines. The B sugar can be used directly as a seed for A massecuite boiling and excess B sugar pumped to sugar melter for remelting the sugar and it is used in A boiling.

For C massecuites double purging is absolutely essential to reduce the colour load on final massecuite. The sugar after second purging is dissolved in a melter and melt used in “A” boiling.

For B and C sugar melting purpose using hot water, clear juice or syrup for melting

Raw Sugar Melter:

Affination process is the first step of refined sugar making. This process helps to remove as much of the molasses film surrounding the raw sugar. The affinated  sugar sent to raw sugar melter to prepare melt for further process. For less colour of raw sugar can be directly sent to melter without affiniation process.

Raw sugar melting purpose using hot water or sweet water (low brix water) for melting

Sugar melter design parameters

There are two basic approaches to equipment for sugar melter

1. Horizontal cylindrical vessel with a horizontal rotating stirrer ( Horizontal sugar melter)

2. The second type is using number of vertical tanks in series or compartments in the same vessel and having top mounted stirrers in each tank ( Vertical sugar melter)

The Sizing of melter mainly depends on

·         Size of the crystal to be melt

·         Final melt brix requirement

·         Temperature of the melter ( melt temperature )

For B and C sugar having the crystal size in the range of  150 to 350 micron. According to Peter Rein recommendations  15 to 20 minutes holding volume required for at 70 brix and 70 oC temperature.

For Raw sugar having the crystal size in the range of  250 to 650 micron So for raw sugar melter required minimum 25 to 30 minutes holding volume required for at 70 brix and 70 oC temperature.

Calculation of melter feed requirement and its vapour line sizing

Example – 1: ( Using Clear juice for both magma and melter)






Required Data


 Crushing Capacity




 B sugar  % cane



4.5 to 6 %


 C sugar % cane



1 to 2 %


 Rory & Powder sugar



0.5 to 1.5 %


 Brix of sugar



90 to 98


 Magma mixer oultet brix



88 to 92


 Final Melt Brix



60 to 70


 Clear Juice



Clear juice brix


 Vapour temperature



Consider 1st vapour


 Velocity of vapour



Consider 1st vapour


 Clear Juice inlet temperature




 Melt outlet temperature



70 to 80 oC


 Inlet Magma Temperature



40 to 50 oC

Calculation part


 Specific heat of Melt (Cp )




 Latent heat of vapour (λ )



As per the steam table


 Specific Volume of Vapour



As per the steam table



 Quantity of B seed + C seed



230 x (5+1.5+1)%


 Clear juice required for Magma



[(17.25 x 95) – (17.25 x 90)] / (95 – 14)


 Final Qty of magma



17.25 + 1.135

 Melter for B and C sugar


 Clear juice required for melting



[(18.385 x 90) – (18.385 x 65)] / (65 – 14)


 Total Melt Quantity ( Q )



18.385 + 9.01


 Vapour required



Q Cp ∆T / λ



1.003 x  1000 x 1.210 / 3600


20 % extra


 Dia of the vapour pipe





 Melt holding volume required



27.392 x 20 / 60 (20 min. retention time

Note : In the above calculation clear juice temperature ( heat value) not consider. While using the clear juice vapour requirement for melter is very less and some times almost requirement is zero.

Example – 2: ( Using evaporated syrup for both magma and melter)






Required Data


 Crushing Capacity




 B sugar  % cane



4.5 to 6 %


 C sugar % cane



1 to 2 %


 Rory & Powder sugar



0.5 to 1.5 %


 Brix of sugar



90 to 98


 Magma mixer oulet brix



88 to 92


 Final Melt Brix



60 to 70


 Syrup using for melter



Syrup Brix


 Vapour temperature



Consider 1st vapour


 Velocity of vapour



Consider 1st vapour


 Syrup Juice inlet temperature




 Melt outlet temperature



70 to 80 oC


 Inlet Magma Temperature



40 to 50 oC

Calculation part


 Specific heat of Melt (Cp )




 Latent heat of vapour (λ )



As per the steam table


 Specific Volume of Vapour



As per the steam table



 Quantity of B seed + C seed



230 x (5+1.5+1)%


 Syrup required for Magma



[(17.25 x 95) – (17.25 x 90)] / (95 – 55)


 Final Quantity of magma



17.25 + 2.464

 Melter for B&C sugar


 Syrup required for melting



[(19.714 x 90) – (19.714x 65)] / (65 – 55)


 Total Melt Quantity ( Q )



49.29 + 19.714


 Vapour required



Q Cp ∆T / λ



2.948 x  1000 x 1.210 / 3600


20 % extra


 Dia of the vapour pipe





 Melt holding volume required



69.0 x 20 / 60 (20 min. retention time

Note :

1. In the above calculation total syrup requirement is 2.46 + 49.29 = 51.75 T/hr. Here syrup brix having maintained below 55o then available quantity will be sufficient for melting the sugar. Otherwise it may be required some quantity of hot water or clear juice to maintained constant melt brix.

2. While using the clear juice/syrup for melter then it is better to use screener to strain out extraneous matter

3. In the energy conservation point of view some designers using 4th vapour as a heating medium for melter. If  we using 4th vapour then operate melter under vacuum condition or using DCH (Direct Contact Heater) with melt recirculation pump.

Sugar melter automation

The main controlling parameters in the melter is Brix and Temperature.  So two control loops are required in melter automation

1 . Brix transmitter and control valve for feed (sweet water or clear juice or syrup) inlet to maintained the constant melt brix

2. Temperature transmitter and vapour/ steam control valve to maintain the constant melt temperature. 


Pumps for molasses and magma

The ”B” magma is pumped to sugar melter for melting or pan section for seed purpose. C fore worker magma is pumped to either pug mill of after worker machine (in case of double curing) or sent to seed crystallizer or melter depending on massecuite scheme with the help of magma pumps.

The molasses pumps are used for pump the molasses from molasses receiving tank to pan supply tanks for further process. The C molasses is sent to final molasses storage tank with the help of molasses pump.

Always Molasses and magma pumps capacity shall be arrived on the basis of number of centrifugal machines in operation and its capacity.

For examples

Capacity of each machine                  –           1750 Kg/charge

Number of centrifugal machines in operation           –           3 nos.

Number of average cycles                  –           20 cycles/hr

Each Machine capacity                       –           1750 x 20 = 35 T/hr

Total massecuite cured                       –           31.5 x 3 = 105 T/hr

A-Heavy molasses % massecuite        –           45% (maximum)

A-Light molasses % massecuite          –           15% (maximum)

Quantity of A-Heavy molasses            –           105 x 45% = 47.2 T/hr

Quantity of A-Light molasses              –           105 x 15% = 16 T/hr

Hence two nos. (1 working + 1 standby) of A-heavy molasses pumps are required with capacity of 60T/hr and two nos. (1 working + 1 standby) of A-Light molasses pumps are required with capacity of 20 T/hr.

The molasses receiving or runoff tanks of usually 2 to 3 m3 capacity is required for each type of molasses.

B magma pump capacity

Machine capacity                   –           16 T/hr each

Number of machines              –           3

B sugar quantity per machine            –           7.2 T/hr @ 100 brix (45% sugar considered)

B magma quantity per machine-       9 T/hr @ 80 brix

Total B magma quantity         –           27 T/hr @ 80 brix (If used water for magma preparation)

Total B magma quantity         –           43.2 T/hr @ 80 brix (If used syrup @ 60 brix for magma preparation)

Hence two nos. (1 working + 1 standby) of B magma pumps are required with capacity of 40 T/hr (Generally, for 5000 TCD plant required 3 nos. (2 working + 1 standby) of B centrifugal machines with 16 T/hr capacity)

Hint: Quantity of magma calculation while using syrup in magma preparation

Take syrup quantity required for magma = Q T/hr

B sugar quantity = 21.6 T/hr

B sugar Brix = 100

Syrup Brix = 60

Final magma brix


(100 x 21.6) + (Q x 60) = (21.6+Q) x 80

For the above equation Q = 21.6

Final magma quantity = 21.6+21.6 = 43.2 T/hr

Gross Hopper

The sugar after separation from molasses in centrifugal machines is conveyed via sugar conveyor normally hoppers. The sugar discharged from high grade centrifugal machine is still wet and to be dried and further cooled, graded before bagging and stored in godown.

Generally, the grass hopper consist of a wide, flat and shallow trough, supported on flexible strips inclined at 60 degree to horizontal. The trough is given repeated vibration by means of an eccentric, rotating about 300 rpm.

The Capacity of hopper is calculated by the formula

Q = S A n k d

Q = Output of sugar conveyor in kg/min.

S = use full vertical cross section area of hopper through which sugar is discharged in m2

A = Moment of sugar per stroke in meters

n = rotational speed of eccentric, 300 rpm

k = coefficient of slip (0.5)

d = Apparent density of sugar, (800 to 950 kg/m3)

Sugar dryer

Crushing Capacity – 230 TCH

Recovery % cane – 12 %

Sugar Quantity  – 230 x 12% = 27.6 T/hr

Consider 150% Extra – 27.6 x 1.5 = 41.4 T/hr ≈ 40 T/hr

(Note: Here considered 50% extra capacity because it is single equipment and shall be absorbed loads and breakdowns in process)

Sugar house equipment capacity is always better to calculate on the existing number of “A” centrifugal machines capacity.

Sugar elevator & Sugar Grader

Cooled and dried sugar has to be graded for which it has to be elevated for delivering to grader. Elevator consists number of buckets running on return pulley at bottom and driven by similar pulley at the top of elevator.

The capacity of elevator is calculated as

Q  =  GVN

Q  =  Out put of sugar in kg/min.

G  =  Weight of sugar conveyed / bucket in kg.

V  =  Speed of belt m/min.

N  =  No. of bucket  per  mt of belt length.

Sugar grader

The sugar so obtained consists of heterogeneous crystals and needs to be well sieved and graded before it is marketed. The  main  aim  is  particle  size classification which  is  done by  screens. The classification is  usually achieved  by using  wire mesh or  perforated plate through  which particles  smaller  than screen aperture may  pass, while largest  fraction  is  carried over  the  surface.

Sugar grader capacity shall be considered 2 nos. having 20 T/hr each

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